Filename:index.htm is in root directory (public_html) - This is the introduction/entry page for the HistoricMGs web site
If you have managed to find this website online, a word about the site name is in order:
Simply stated, the name was available.
You may anticipate this would be a treatise on Cs, K3s, Qs or Rs from the
glories of the pre-war era and their subsequent role in vintage racing to this
Or you may be hoping for something new about LeMans or Sebring during the
hey-days of factory participation with MGAs, MGBs and MGCs.
But, when my wife Rachel and I have owned our M.G.s for over 60 years our life has been oriented towards the marque, friends have been made and stories have been forged.
This web site is very simple but hopefully effective in catalouging the myriad pictures we have taken through the years and their associated stories.
The initial versions cover our M.G. Midgets made between 1932 and 1934, each one having a significant early history. This was high-point of the Triple-M period
Move on to next page to select which car to explore by clicking here
Developd initially stand-alone on a Windows 10 PC using the Chrome Browser
Root directory: MG contains only "index.htm", "style.css" plus "Images" and "Pages" subdirectories
Purchased account at Web Hosting Sercvice "" 5/20/2024
Domain name "HistoricMGs" was available
Hostinger needed to add "plug-ins" to enable File Management and FTP access via password
Copied files up to their root directory using Filezilla on PC
Hostinger root is "public_html" and now contains only "index.htm", "style.css", and "MG" subdirectory
Directory names and "style.css" are case sensitive; a different discipline than Windows.
"MG.htm" contains "Images" and "Pages" subdirectories.
6/25/2024: Changed color scheme, defined in style.css, from "debug mode" green/yellow to chocolate/cream.
Generally information is in brown and invitation for entry is blue.
8/20/2024 - Created subdirectory at top of PA0255 TOC named "Gallery"
Uploaded pictures of PA0255 taken on 8/19/2024.
Created new page "Level3-9PictureGalleryPA0255.htm" to display thumbnails"
8/27/2024 Created "Level3-10mechanical.htm" with vehicle condition